Chances to detect visibility bugs vary. The following visibility bug can in the best case detected in 90 percent of all cases. In the worst case, the chance to detect the bug is lower than one in a million. Full Article...
Brian Goetz lists AtomicReference in his the book Java Concurrency in Practice in the in the section advanced topics. Yet we will see that AtomicReference are, for specific use cases, easier to use than synchronized blocks. Full Article...
Atomic updates are an advanced technique, typically used in high performant concurrent data structures. So why do we need 4 classes for atomic updates in Java? Full Article...
The class Phaser let you wait for a flexible amount of tasks executed in other threads. We will see how to use it by looking at a real-life example. Full Article...
The CyclicBarrier let a set of threads wait till they have all reached a specific state. We will see how to use it by looking at two real-life examples. Full Article...
CountDownLatch is an easy way to wait till another thread has finished a task. We will see how to use it by looking at two real-life examples. Full Article...
On the example of three concurrent map implementations, we will see that we either have low scalability, the risk of deadlocks or unnecessary garbage creation. Full Article...
Classes representing values should have the same properties than primitive types. In the following, we will see that those two properties are also useful for classes representing properties. Full Article...
Immutable classes make concurrent programming easier. In the following, we will look at how to use immutable classes for concurrent programming in Java. Full Article...
Using a specialized algorithm it is possible to achieve up to four times better performance than java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue for multiple writing and a single reading thread. Full Article...
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